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Sunday 23 August 2009


Today was Fibrefest!

My alarm went off at 5.30am this morning. I'd only been asleep two hours - I can never sleep if I've got to get up early the next day!

I drove to Newport to pick up Su and Joy so that we could catch the 7.30am ferry.

The drive there was uneventful except for a brief rain spurt which reduced visibility to almost nothing and slowed our speed to about 40mph!

Fibrefest was held at Cold Harbour Mill in Devon and there was loads there! I meant to take loads of pictures, but only got these ones of the mill (sorry, can't tell you what half this stuff is LOL):

This one when I walked into the first tent.

Here's Su enjoying a flapjack and coffee.

Shhhhhhhhhhhhhh, do you know who that is? That's P/Hop Pete!


They even had an air raid shelter with lots of cool stuff inside (even a Mathematics book!)

But here's what you really want to see.................FIBRE!

Because a sheep is essential to the smooth operation of a spinning wheel:

I also picked up this little stash bag made by The Laal Bear.

I'd seen her around on Ravelry and was gobsmacked when she asked if my week had improved and admitted she reads my blog!!!

I also met up with Marianne, Helen, Gemma (KraftyKoala), Just Julie, Sarah, Anni, Fleegle and loads more people said "Hi" to me and I'm really sorry that I can't remember who everyone was LOL.


  1. Beautiful haul! I especially like the merino/silk Blackberry fibre. Be sure to post update pics are you are spinning. I already had Sock Summit envy. Now I have Fibre Fest envy also. We dont get anything fun like that here.

  2. LOL neither do we! I had to drive over 100 miles and take a ferry to get there!
