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Showing posts with label Phoebe. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Phoebe. Show all posts

Tuesday, 7 October 2008


Oooooooooooooh, look what came in the post today, I bought it from another Ravelry user and it is simply gorgeous -– it's Knitwitches silk and there's LOADS –- I'm going to have so much fun finding the perfect project for it! A friend has just loaned me Victorian Lace Today and A Gathering of Lace, I'm bound to find something in there!

And here's a photo of Phoebe modelling one of the romper suits I made for her - apparently she's growing out of them fast!

Wednesday, 13 August 2008

The newest recipient of my knitting

Kerry finally went into labour yesterday and Phoebe was born at 11.23pm last night weighing 7lbs 8oz, she's very pink and chubby and gorgeous - can't wait to give her a cuddle. The picture of Kerry holding her was taken 10 minutes after Phoebe had been born.